rk2007_11.djvu Journals Konstructor 2007 - Service manuals, schematics, documentation, applications, datasheets, electronics


Electronisc World Hot News
Locking Down Intellectual Property in Embedded Systems
Th 5b4 is article focuses on methods of securing IP in embedded systems, past and current approaches and looks ahead to new options for developers wanting to protect their IP. Details... more...
Building Bare-Metal ARM Systems with GNU: Part 9
In Part 9 in his series on building ARM applications using the open source GNU tools, Miro Samek describes ISRs in C as well as how to initialize the ARM vector table and the interrupt controller. Details... more...
Digital potentiometer packaged in 2 x 2.5-mm TDFN
Catalyst Semiconductor is sampling its CAT5114 Digitally Programmable Potentiometer (DPP) in an 8-lead 2 x 2.5mm TDFN package for portable systems. Details... more...