Database of technical documentation for flash memory chips in PDF format


Database of technical documentation for flash memory chips in PDF format








Electronisc World Hot News
Voltage regulators employ emulated - current mode, virtual - knob tool
National Semiconductor’s new 6 to 42V LM25574/5/6 and 6 to 75V LM5574/5/6 series of Simple Switcher voltage regulators outputs 0.5, 1.5 and 3A. Details... more...
DesignCon panel: 65 - nm technology ready for mixed - signal designs; analog ICs, not so much
It may be a long way from becoming a mainstream process for analog circuits, but 65-nm technology is already proving its worth for mixed-signal functions, according to a Tuesday panel at DesignCon 2007. Details... more...
Panelists discuss emerging dc/dc - conversion challenges
Engineers face a growing dc/dc-conversion challenge in both notebook and server designs, and vendors could do more to help the situation by delivering more complete characterization of dc/dc-converter modules, according to participants in a panel Tuesday at DesignCon. Details... more...